The Eeebuntu is a custom version of Ubuntu Linux designed specially for netbooks. While the recent release of Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope has built in improved support for netbooks, Eeebuntu 3.0 which is developed based on Jaunty Jackalope, takes one step further by using a custom kernel designed to work with all of the hardware and custom hotkeys on most Asus Eee PC netbooks.
There are 3 version of Eeebuntu avaialble for download now: Base, Standard and NBR. The base version is the smallest, lightest and most stripped down among the three. It comes with only the usual configuration applications, Firefox, restricted extras and the Eeeconfigure application. It takes little space on your netbook to install the base version of Eeebuntu, and you can choose to install other apps of your choice after it's installed. The standard version is the most popular among the three. It contains everything you need to get working and playing on your EeePC, which includes a basic Ubuntu installation plus a full suite of internet applications such as Firefox, Pidgin, Thunderbird, OppenOffice applications, VLC Media Player, and Compiz desktop effects. NBR includes the Ubuntu Netbook Remix interface. And the NBR version (stands for Netbook Remix) is similar to Standard version, but uses the Netbook Launcher, which is customised for the small screen of the EeePC by providing a tabbed environment with easy to access icons for all the applications and documents you use day to day.
The Eeebuntu 3.0 is now available for download on its official website. You might want to try it out if you are a Linux user, and is not satisfied with your current Linux OS.
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